
We have participated in the development of solutions for the manufacturing, logistics, mining, commerce, telecommunications and financial industry.

Software Development

We develop turnkey software solutions; we have skills to develop products on various platforms and different technologies.

We have procedures, standards and metrics of the whole process that allows to achieve quality results in time and cost.

Process Modeling

In any organization, it is of the utmost importance to have elements that allow visualizing its functional structure, given its usefulness to be able to transmit to the staff the relevance of its function within the organization, as well as to be able to identify the impact of changes by improvements implementations.

In Raxto, we can help you capture in a graphic way and by means of a standard notation (BPMN) the Processes (as well as actors, functions and responsibilities) of a Department or of the entire Organization.

Process and Data Engineering

Organizations are always in search of optimizing resources and being aware of changes in their environment in order to try to be more competitive.

For this, it is necessary to make analysis and research to make decisions that are focused on achieving the above.

We have experience applying engineering in business processes to support the definition of the strategies to follow and achieve the corresponding objectives.

Fiscal & Taxes

We have the experience to provide services in the following areas: 

Taxes: Preparation or review of returns and payment of taxes • Review of fiscal account calculations • Tax inquiries.

Fiscal Defense: Tax advice on contracts concluded • Attention to requirements of the tax authorities • Tax defense, revocation appeals, amparo trial • Advice in the exercise of powers of verification, home visits, etc.

Procedures with Tax Authorities: Registration in the RFC of companies and people  Processing of e.firma and certificates of digital stamps for billing  Promotions and free writings to the tax authorities.

Foreign Trade: Compliance with customs provisions  Authorization in the list of importers Authorization and modifications to the IMMEX program Authorization and renewal of the Certification regarding both VAT and IEPS  Customs Inventory Reconstruction.

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